Please check your work. I didn't dig any further once I saw the AccountNumber issue. hmm Could you post the json for the dataflow? So much banging and so silly of me, i had the issues fixed, i passed the step 4, Even though i have done everything as mentioned, while creating the lens i am not able to see the acreage field under Bar length. Try leaving Precision and Scale blank for both low and high temp. Leave a comment for the Trailhead Baby! Just in case my JSON{ "Load Seed Chart": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Seed_Chart" } }, "Calculate Acreage": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "mergeWithSource": true, "source": "Load Seed Chart", "computedFields": [ { "type": "Numeric", "name": "Acreage", "label": "Acreage", "saqlExpression": "(Seeds_Pound*Spacing)/6272640", "precision": 18, "scale": 6 } ] } }, "Create Seed Bank": { "action": "sfdcRegister", "parameters": { "source": "Calculate Acreage", "alias": "Seed Bank", "name": "Seed_Bank" } }}. I am stuck on creating the test class for the challenge 4 in a propper way. "left_key": ["TempKey"],"right_key": ["TempClass"I think this is the issue. Tried this }, "Augment TempClass": { "action": "augment", "parameters": { "right_key": [ "Country" ], "left": "Load Seed Bank Agencies", "left_key": [ "ShippingCountry" ], "right_select": [ "TempClass" ], "right": "Add Temp Class", "relationship": "Climate", "operation": "LookupSingleValue"But Still throwing the same error. Search for an answer or ask a question of the zone or Customer Support. You also get personal insight into the life of a Trailhead Baby! High Value Residential This report includes: 1 filter, 1 grouping, and 1 summarized field. Can anyone please help on Step 4. Yes! #dataintegrationspecialist##techinvisible#superbadgeagentDo follow on instagram for complete superbadge access : Is anyone working on this Superbadge or did I just got too late?I'm trying to get to this one: "Determine Optimal ClimatesBuild a dataflow to add temperature classes to the Seed Bank Agencies and Seed Bank datasets. Thanks for your help again. The JSON looks right. 'Load Seed Bank Agencies w/Climate Data'{ "Add Temp Class": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "source": "Filter 2015", "mergeWithSource": true, "computedFields": [ { "defaultValue": "Continental", "name": "TempClass", "saqlExpression": "case when Temperature < 25 then \"Polar\" when Temperature >= 25 and Temperature <= 50 then \"Cool\" when Temperature >= 51 and Temperature <= 85 then \"Continental\" when Temperature > 85 then \"Tropical\" end", "label": "TempClass", "type": "Text" } ] } }, "Filter Agency Records": { "action": "filter", "parameters": { "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:TRUE", "source": "ID Agency Records" } }, "Load Account": { "action": "sfdcDigest", "parameters": { "fields": [ { "name": "AccountNumber" }, { "name": "Name" }, { "name": "ShippingCity" }, { "name": "ShippingCountry" }, { "name": "ShippingPostalCode" }, { "name": "ShippingState" }, { "name": "ShippingStreet" }, { "name": "Phone" } ], "object": "Account" } }, "Create Seed Bank Agencies": { "action": "sfdcRegister", "parameters": { "name": "Seed Bank Agencies", "alias": "seed_bank_agencies", "source": "Augment TempClass" } }, "Load Climate": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Global_Climates" } }, "Add Agency Fields": { "action": "augment", "parameters": { "right_key": [ "AccountNumber" ], "left": "Load Account", "left_key": [ "AccountNumber" ], "right_select": [ "Acres", "Currency", "Latitude", "Longitude", "Region", "SubRegion" ], "right": "Load Agency Detail", "relationship": "AgencyDetail", "operation": "LookupSingleValue" } }, "Filter 2015": { "action": "filter", "parameters": { "filter": "Date_Year:R:2015", "source": "Load Climate" } }, "Augment TempClass": { "action": "augment", "parameters": { "right_key": [ "Country" ], "left": "Filter Agency Records", "left_key": [ "ShippingCountry" ], "right_select": [ "TempClass" ], "right": "Add Temp Class", "relationship": "Climate", "operation": "LookupSingleValue" } }, "Load Agency Detail": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Agency_Detail" } }, "ID Agency Records": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "source": "Add Agency Fields", "mergeWithSource": true, "computedFields": [ { "name": "IsAgency", "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"TRUE\"else \"FALSE\" end", "label": "IsAgency", "type": "Text" } ] } }}Close. Please check your work." 5. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. i tried switching them and the dataflow was successful. Please support me on Patreon: thanks & pra. Name and alias element are really painful with this challenges i had this worked out by trial and error method and it worked back then, please try below and let me know if that knows"name": "Seed Chart","alias": "Seed_Chart". contd"Load Temp Class Mapping": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Temperature_Classes_Mapping" } }, "CleanUp": { "action": "sliceDataset", "parameters": { "mode": "drop", "source": "Augment Temp Class", "fields": [ { "name": "HighTemp" }, { "name": "LowTemp" } ] } }, "Define Temp Range": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "source": "Calculate Acreage", "mergeWithSource": true, "computedFields": [ { "defaultValue": "0", "precision": 18, "name": "LowTemp", "saqlExpression": "string_to_number(substr(Temperature, 1, 2))", "scale": 2, "label": "LowTemp", "type": "Numeric" }, { "defaultValue": "0", "precision": 18, "name": "HighTemp", "saqlExpression": "string_to_number(substr(Temperature, -2, 2))", "scale": 2, "label": "HighTemp", "type": "Numeric" } ] } }} please share me your insights to fix my code or data. On to the next error LOL, Hi All,I am having a really hard time with Step 6. ) ---> This thread was very heplful! I can't find any instance of this same error anywhere. Agency Temp Class lens? I have higher numbers for all. Confirm the node name matches the name as described in the challenge.Here is the JSON, "Load Climate": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Load_Climate" } }. Either the node didn't find any matches, or a join key contains only null values. The data flow is running properly. If you could just post the JSON for your data flow, I will take a look. If someone could be so kind to support, that would really be helpful.Thanks a lot. (IE- I don't see it in your right select) I also have one additional character in this SAQL"saqlExpression":"casewhenPhoneisnotnullthen\"TRUE\"else\"FALSE\"end", Eureka! I was able to complete Data Preparation Super badge, now I am doing Einstein Analytics and Discovery Insights Specialist and stuck at step # 3 (Calculate Subscriber Acquisition Costs)Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong:We can't confirm the Subscriber Revenue chart is filtering by the Tenure Length toggle. Hi, i'm stuck at #4.I get the error We can't find the Seed Bank dataset or required fields are missing. Hi I am completely new this superbadges. ok, I got through the other errors. Here it goes! Trademarks are property of their respective owners. Below are tips and gotchas for each report / dashboard. If you would like to start with something a little easier, I'd go for the Security Specialist. Any insight you may be able to provide would be great. "{ "Add Temp Class": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "source": "Define Temp Range", "mergeWithSource": true, "computedFields": [ { "defaultValue": "Continental", "name": "TempClass", "saqlExpression": "\"case when Temperature < 25 then \\\"Polar\\\" when Temperature >= 25 and Temperature <= 50 then \\\"Cool\\\" when Temperature >= 51 and Temperature <= 85 then \\\"Continental\\\" when Temperature > 85 then \\\"Tropical\\\" end\"", "label": "TempClass", "type": "Text" } ] } }, "Calculate Acreage": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "source": "Load Seed Chart", "mergeWithSource": true, "computedFields": [ { "precision": 18, "name": "Acreage", "saqlExpression": "(Seeds_Pound*Spacing)/6272640", "scale": 6, "label": "Acreage", "type": "Numeric" } ] } }, "Create Seed Bank": { "action": "sfdcRegister", "parameters": { "name": "Seed Bank Agencies", "alias": "seed_bank_agencies", "source": "CleanUp" } }, "Load Seed Chart": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Seed_Chart" } }, "Augment Temp Class": { "action": "augment", "parameters": { "right_key": [ "TempClass" ], "left": "Add Temp Class", "left_key": [ "TempClass" ], "right_select": [ "TempKey", "TempClass" ], "right": "Load Temp Class Mapping", "relationship": "Climate", "operation": "LookupSingleValue" } }, i am posting remaining half in another comment due to html limit error. Trailhead Superbadge: Data Integration Specialist Challenge 1 Configure Outbound Application and Integration Security Install the unmanaged package from the prework if you haven't already. Salesforce: Trailhead : Data Integration Specialist Challenge 5Helpful? JSON:{ "Calculate Acreage": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "source": "Load Seed Chart", "mergeWithSource": true, "computedFields": [ { "precision": 18, "name": "Acreage", "saqlExpression": "(Seeds_Pound*Spacing)/6272640", "scale": 6, "label": "Acreage", "type": "Numeric" } ] } }, "Create Seed Bank": { "action": "sfdcRegister", "parameters": { "name": "Seed Bank", "alias": "seed_bank", "source": "Calculate Acreage" } }, "Load Seed Chart": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Seed_Chart" } }}, Techforce services is a Salesforce Consulting Services in Australia Specializing in delivering end to end Salesforce solutions ,Consulting, Implementation DevOps partners in Australia We deliver applications and services more rapidly and reliably, but its more than a methodology it cuts to the very core. "I'm publishing my JSON file just to see what I'm really missing (I would really appreciate if someone knows what's going on), { "Add Temp Class": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "source": "Filter 2015", "mergeWithSource": true, "computedFields": [ { "defaultValue": "Continental", "name": "TempClass", "saqlExpression": "case when Temperature < 25 then \"Polar\" when Temperature >= 25 and Temperature <= 50 then \"Cool\" when Temperature >= 51 and Temperature <= 85 then \"Continental\" when Temperature > 85 then \"Tropical\" end ", "label": "TempClass", "type": "Text" } ] } }, "Filter Agency Records": { "action": "filter", "parameters": { "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:TRUE", "source": "ID Agency Records" } }, "Load Account": { "action": "sfdcDigest", "parameters": { "fields": [ { "name": "Name" }, { "name": "AccountNumber" }, { "name": "Phone" }, { "name": "ShippingCity" }, { "name": "ShippingCountry" }, { "name": "ShippingState" }, { "name": "ShippingStreet" }, { "name": "ShippingPostalCode" } ], "object": "Account" } }, "Create Seed Bank Agencies": { "action": "sfdcRegister", "parameters": { "rowLevelSecurityFilter": "", "name": "Seed Bank Agencies", "alias": "seed_bank_agencies", "source": "Augment TempClass" } }, "Load Climate": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Global_Climates" } }, "Add Agency Fields": { "action": "augment", "parameters": { "right_key": [ "AccountNumber" ], "left": "Load Account", "left_key": [ "AccountNumber" ], "right_select": [ "SubRegion", "Region", "Longitude", "Latitude", "Currency", "Acres" ], "right": "Load Agency Detail", "relationship": "AgencyDetail", "operation": "LookupSingleValue" } }, "Filter 2015": { "action": "filter", "parameters": { "filter": "Date:EQ:2015", "source": "Load Climate" } }, "Augment TempClass": { "action": "augment", "parameters": { "right_key": [ "Country" ], "left": "Filter Agency Records", "left_key": [ "ShippingCountry" ], "right_select": [ "Temperature", "Date", "Country", "TempClass" ], "right": "Add Temp Class", "relationship": "Climate", "operation": "LookupSingleValue" } }, "Load Agency Detail": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Agency_Detail" } }, "ID Agency Records": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "source": "Add Agency Fields", "mergeWithSource": true, "computedFields": [ { "name": "IsAgency", "saqlExpression": "case when \"Phone\" is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FASLE\" end", "label": "IsAgency", "type": "Text" } ] } }}. Salesforce Trailhead Superbadge 'Data Integration Specialist' Modified 2 months ago. Configure a named credential and remote site according to the specifications outlined in the business requirements. I would show the attempts but reddit wont allow for screenshots. Trailhead Baby,I'm having an issue with Load Seed Bank w/Temperature ClassificationI keep getting this error after running the data flow and there is no data in the lens. Step 5 - A quiz. Either the node didn't find any matches, or a join key contains only null values. Still getting the same message.Thanks!Karen. Check the challenge and confirm required field setting. Data Integration Specialist: Challenge 5 - Not Completing Unsolved Questions This Question David H 18 Data Integration Specialist: Challenge 5 - Not Completing Hi, I'm currently working through the Data Integration Specialist superbadge and my attempt throws the following error when I check the challenge: "However, I'm getting this error:"The dataflow was completed, but the Augment TempClass node didn't augment any columns. Thanks Ill have to put this in two post. You are responsible for your own actions. Challenge 4 is not difficult if you follow the instructions precisely! Hi,Can you please let me know the correct values of both lens. He laughs when I poke his nose and tries to take toys out of my hand. Hi,i'm on challenge-6 and i created a dataflow called "Load Seed Bank Agencies w/Climate Data" but this dataflow is failing when i'm trying to run it.Error:Something went wrong while executing the Filter 2015 node: invalid field expression for field 'Date_Year': Syntax Error at position [line 1: column 11] after token Unexpected character ':' :: ;Date_Year:EQ:2015;posting JSON in other comment. Tonight's challenge involves the creation of two processes. My bad. I made it through all of the tempkey/temp class definitions, and everything appears to run fine but when I go to check the step in trailhead I get this "We can't validate the 'Create Seed Bank Agencies' node was created correctly" error. A huge thank you to Jocelyn Fennewald , Salesforce MVP, for pointing out the "remove all columns" option within the report creator. I was able to pass the above step and stuck at step # 6 for creating the lens.Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong:We can't confirm these are the correct values in the lens. Processes. Either the node didn't find any matches, or a join key contains only null values.Add Agency Fields augment Less than 1 second success 1,384 0 1,384 0Filter 2015 filter Less than 1 second success 31,200 0 0 0ID Agency Records computeExpression Less than 1 second success 1,384 0 1,384 0Temp Class computeExpression Less than 1 second success 0 0 0 0Filter Agency Records filter Less than 1 second success 1,384 0 383 0Augment TempClass augment Less than 1 second warning 0 0 0 0optimize-Create Seed Bank Agencies optimizer Less than 1 second success 0 0 0 0Create Seed Bank Agencies sfdcRegister 40 seconds success 0 0 0 0. My brother has started to play with me! RRajaR/Data-Integration-Specialist-Superbadge - Github And correct me if i am wrong any where.Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong:We can't find the Seed Bank dataset or required fields are missing. I have created lens for Agency Temp Class, it has Continental 155, Polar 120 and Cool 66 based on Seed Bank Agencies Data Set.Another lens Seed Bank Temp Class based on Seed Bank Data Set has Cool-Continental-Tropical 3Continental-Tropical 2Cool-Continental 2Continental 1Cool 1. This special superbadge is designed to test how well you really grasped the underlying material and not just walk you through yet another predictable tutorial. We can't find the Seed Bank dataset or required fields are missing. The superbadge is specially designed for learning and testing integrations between different systems. Why the change of heart? If you are short on time, start around the 20 minute mark. After you've imported the Account object, you'll be ready to tackle the challenges. This may even include some fields on objects being referenced in your code not being assigned to the user profile for the user in context. If you are up to a challenge- I'd do the Process Automation Specialist. { "Load Seed Chart": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Seed_Chart" } }, "Calculate Acerage": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "source": "Load Seed Chart", "mergeWithSource": true, "computedFields": [ { "precision": 18, "name": "Acreage", "saqlExpression": "(Seeds_Pound*Spacing)/6272640", "scale": 6, "label": "Acreage", "type": "Numeric" } ] } }, "Create Seed Bank": { "action": "sfdcRegister", "parameters": { "name": "Seed Bank", "alias": "Seed_Bank", "source": "Calculate Acerage" } }}It will be helpful for me if someone tells me why I am getting this. Make sure that the correct date range is selected. (02K7R000000pt8bUAA_03C7R000004QOLfUAO)I send the Json of this nodeNode Name Augment TempClassLeft Source["Filter Agency Records"]Left Key["ShippingCountry"]RelationshipClimateRight Source["Add Temp Class"]Right Key["Country"]Right Fields["TempClass","Country","Date","Temperature"]OperationLook Up Single ValueThanks in advance for your help, HI while trying to complete Determine Optimal Climates challenge Any Idea why am getting this Error "There was an unhandled exception. Hi Rebecca,in Step 4 , i am getting this error :: "We can't find the Acreage field. PLEASE HELP ME !!!! { "Calculate Acreage": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "mergeWithSource": true, "computedFields": [ { "precision": 18, "saqlExpression": "(Seeds_Pound*Spacing)/6272640 ", "name": "Acreage", "scale": 6, "label": "Acreage", "type": "Numeric" } ], "source": "Load Seed Chart" } }, "Create Seed Bank": { "action": "sfdcRegister", "parameters": { "name": "Seed Bank", "alias": "seed_bank", "source": "Calculate Acreage" } }, "Load Seed Chart": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Seed_Bank1" } }}The above on the json for my dataflow.By using the dataset i am not able to create the lens.I cant see Sum | Acreage.Can Any one help me on this. GitHub - robp2015/Copy-Superbadge-Data-Integration-Specialist },"CreateSeedBankAgencies":{"action":"sfdcRegister","parameters":{"name":"SeedBankAgencies","alias":"seed_bank_agencies","source":"AugmentTempClass"I have different spacing in the name.My original thought was with the "augument" step- because I have seen this throw errors a ton of times if "account number" was not explicitly selected in both data sets. Please reference ID: UAPSIKJH. Data Integration Specialist Superbadge Challenge 2 - Salesforce When I made mistakes, I simply reverted to the last saved version. Message: 550: To use null dimensions or date filters, you need API version 51 or higher. Appreciated! Hi Trailhead Baby,Please help me. BTW thanks. Trailheads New Data Integration Specialist Superbadge is - LinkedIn I've recreated the steps a number of times, and I am pretty sure all of my nomenclature is correct. No. still i'm facing the same issue. Hi, I am getting the message: Something went wrong while executing the Augment Temp Class node: Duplicate field TempClassCan you help me with my JSON? Can you suggest which super badge i should start with?
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