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They were enchanted with great magic that was never to be used lightly. As they are discussing Raishan, Allura enters to greet them. PERFECT CHRISTMAS GIFT OR BIRTHDAY GIFT. Usually found in a box or pouch, this deck contains a number of cards made of ivory or vellum. The higher ups found out, and now they're after him. After an aide cast Identify on the deck and realized the incredibly dangerous arcane power of the item,[18] Highbearer Vord arranged for the Deck of Many Things to be sealed away in the vaults beneath the Platinum Sanctuary (the same vaults that now house the Horn of Orcus recovered by Vox Machina in Yug'Voril). In either case, the PC's will need to secure the deck during transport, and keep it secure before it's sold. Being a studious child, Percy had read myths and legends about glory and woe all revolving around the Deck of Many Things. As Grog fell to his knees, clutching the sides of his head, the sword clacked to the ground and almost immediately rusted and turned dark and dull. Scanlan takes Jarett Howarth aside, thanks him for his efforts, and casts Modify Memory on him to make him think that he feels sorry for Scanlan's emotional state and that he'd agreed to get Scanlan much more suude. I have witnessed more games implode from the effect of the Deck of Many Things than from any other single element in all of D&D. Vex, Vax, and Percy warned against it, but Scanlan was willing to move forward with the one-card deal. Captain your ship [] After Scanlan left, Vex discovered Scanlan had been using drugs. Nothing less than a wish spell or divine intervention can end the NPC's hostility toward you. Matt played cards as disappearing permanently from the Deck when drawn, though most cards reappear in the deck in the DMG version. However, you were then kept at bay by a Wall of Force as Raishan took two of Thordak's strangely existing eggs and flew into a tunnel towards the corpse of Thordak and then disappeared in a flash of purple energy before the wall dropped and you all just arrived, halfway through the tunnel where the corpse of Thordak once lay, to find it missing along with Raishan and the eggs that she had gathered.". Tarot Deck of Many Things - The Homebrewery - NaturalCrit The Deck of Many Things, including the card names and magical effects (as described on pages 216-218 of the SRD 5.1), is NOT the property of Game Master's Merchant, it is Open Game Content, as defined by the OGL. After all, they can't just keep it on their person, since then it would need to be re-authenticated, to make sure it hadn't been swapped out. TheDonjon traps them in suspended animation and hides them away from all forms of magical detection, other than a Wish spell. It's a legendary artifact, so the first hurdle would be finding someone trustworthy who could authenticate it. There are 12 cards in total. As Liam put it, "you could destroy the world". As for the unbalanced aspect due to leveling up or down, that is the risk you take! The randomness, uneven distribution and inability of the DM to control the situation in terms of how many cards are drawn by how many characters will again be significant issue even if the DM tries to stack the deck. Euryale. the effects can still be massively negative, but mostly you can do something about it, wich was for me the worst for players. 2023 Wizards. [9], Grog tried to stealthily pocket the remaining twelve cards, but he failed with a Natural 1. He was the dumbest of us all. Depending on the PC's level, you could have them host the auction at which only the deck is sold; or have them find an auction house or thieves guild (if selling stolen/illegal items) where their item is sold alongside other rare items; perhaps some of which the PC's want for themselves. Fan art of Vax'ildan cutting Keyleth's hair, by Agent Pluto. After a lot of drinking and fighting, Grog simply ran out of stuff to keep himself entertained. The Deck of Many Things was featured in Campaign 1 of Critical Role! Let's say I got this item in a campaign and decide that the potential risks don't outweigh the potential gains is there any kind of reference that gives an approximate monetary value for such an item? [19], After returning to Whitestone, when Grog inquired about the current location of the Deck of Many Things, Vox Machina lied that it had been left behind on Pandemonium. Keyleth uses Sky Write to make a basic version of the symbol of Emon in the sky and Percy tells some of the soldiers at the gate to spread the word that Thordak has fallen. In other words, the knowledge comes with wisdom on how to apply it. SRD:Deck of Many Things - D&D Wiki - Vex made Grog promise not to pull anything from it: he could only keep it in its little pouch. Grog begins checking around for loot and finds unimaginable wealth tucked into the cavern. Vex convinced her that it was keeping her occupied. I think the limitations are more on the Wish Spell than on the Deck of Many Things itself. A Wish spell couldn't restore Grog's soul, but it did reveal the location of the object holding his soul.[16]. Feeling guilty for also having kept something serious from everyone else, Vex confessed to Grog and gave him back the Deck of Many Things. The card then transformed into a magical scimitar. Grog opened the sleeve and saw about thirteen tarot cards. Allura asks about the island that Thordak was lording over before his banishment to the fire plane, and Vex remembers Raishan telling them about it: the Island of Viscan in the south Lucidian Ocean. Scanlan takes out some of his Suude and is at first interrupted by Pike, but after finding a moment to himself he tries to use it. Grog's first instinct was to pull all the cards right then in that moment. The Idiotgives the drawer the option of drawing another card. He was the dumb and the dumb." I randomly rolled this as treasure in a pretty high tiered dungeon with tough encounters. The Deck of Many Things is a legendary wondrous item. So it shouldn't happen more than once. This is all great stuff. The two argue for a bit and Vax takes Scanlan aside and shoves a letter into Scanlan's hands, a letter intended to be found if Vax had died. I would be tempted to have them draw Rogue and earn the players hostility, be interesting for them to find out the only reason they hate this NPC is a card, reversal of the normal effect. Special Guest(s) The Deck of Many Things' presence in the game world feels gimmicky, like a funhouse that's been thrown in for s%^$ and giggles. She spends some time with the tapestry during the rest and is delighted to discover that it is a flying carpet, larger than their old one. The cards are split about 50/50 between good and awful, and it is widely regarded as one of the most powerful artifacts in Dungeons & Dragons. Airdate Any cards pulled greater than the number declared have no effect. {{art caption}}: autoformat art credits/captions, {{infobox character}}: infobox for character pages, {{infobox episode}}: infobox for episode pages, {{new artist category}}: boilerplate for new artist category pages, {{new character}}: boilerplate for new character pages, {{new episode}}: boilerplate template for new episode pages, Articles needing presumption confirmation. Where is the deck of many things? Explained by Sharing Culture The magic of each card takes effect as soon as it is drawn. The Fates. The party could be sent to find the missing wish card, then have to steal the whole deck to make it work, then try to pull it to wish away his power. January 19th. The cards are split about 50/50 between good and awful, and it is widely regarded as one of the most powerful artifacts in Dungeons & Dragons. Grog the Goliath Barbarian of Vox Machina discovered the Deck of Many Things in Episode 81 of Campaign 1. Quest to destroy the Deck of Many Things - She announces that a reward of 1,000 platinum will be paid for information leading to the arrest and execution of the thieves who have stolen the deck from it's holy resting place! It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object. Each is engraved with glyphs, characters, and sigils. As a few of you came up behind, Raishan, as well, askedas part of the accord you madeto be given some time with the corpse of Thordak. Twenty-five pieces of jewelry worth 2,000 gp each or fifty gems worth 1,000 gp each appear at your feet. Is your DnD or Pathfinder campaign getting stale? So, when a character draws this card, a day or two later they're back in their body, with a new laundry list of things they have to do in order to remain walking around. As soon as a character draws a card from the deck, its magic immediately takes effect. ETC. I am Thoruk, Slayer of Ducks - find more info on myRarely-updated blog! However, I would strongly recommend NOT giving the deck to your players. [Spoilers C1E115] Grog Deck of Many Things One Shot : criticalrole - reddit Looking at the blade, Grog saw a medusa-like visage image begin to seep through the metallic sheen (Grog assumed it to be the sword's "female setting"). My advice for running this Magic Item in a game is to set the cards up as influencers of the future instead of "wooo, shiny thing appears next to you" or "welp, you die." Collections. "Unless the card is the Fool or the Jester, the card reappears in the deck, making it possible to draw the same card twice.". Keyleth uses Teleportation Via Plants on the tree in the keep's temple of Sarenrae and they go through it and emerge from the Sun Tree in Whitestone. The First Pull Intrigued by the cards, Grog pulled one from the middle of the deck. However, the keep is currently in the hands of monsters, which you must clear out before you can claim the keep as yours. Ruin. Why? There are lots of non-game-breaking ways you can use a Deck of Many Things to add some spice to your game; several of which don't even involve pulling a card. VOD Grog finds the Deck of Many Things: chaos & panic ensue